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Our City. Our Future.


Other Planning Efforts

Other separate, but related, long-range planning efforts in the city and region are underway or soon to be underway, as described below. Each effort is being coordinated as needed with the General Plan Update.

The Housing Plan is a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity for Modesto to define 21st century living options for its current and future residents. It is a focused 10-month effort to explore ways to expand housing choice beyond single-family homes and apartments, that respond to shifting household demographics, growing demand for walkable neighborhoods, and the urgent need for attainable housing at different price points. Guided by community feedback at all critical milestones, the Housing Plan is an aspirational document that will inform the City’s long-term planning and policy decisions and pave the way towards greater housing equity, diversity, and resilience. Findings and implementation guidance from the Housing Plan will inform the General Plan Update.

The project manager for the Housing Plan is Diana Lowrance, Planning Manager, who may be reached at (209) 577-5302 or at

The update of the Housing Element to cover the period from 2023 to 2031 will be conducted on a separate schedule from the General Plan Update. The Housing Element Update will include an overview of housing policies and programs and identify locations that can accommodate future housing needs.

The City will prepare a master plan for the southwest area of Modesto to make life and the physical environment better for residents and employees; establish a land use and policy framework to guide future development in the area toward transit-supportive land uses and a healthy community; improve connections to key destinations; and promote community health and equity. This process will include targeted public engagement to ensure that the master plan reflects the community’s vision and priorities.

Valley Vision Stanislaus is a long-range planning document undergoing an update by the Stanislaus Council of Governments. This document serves as the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), which is required by State law, and was most recently updated in 2018. Valley Vision Stanislaus will provide the framework for investment in roads, freeways, public transit, bike trails, and other ways people move around in Stanislaus County for the next 28 years. It includes a plan to accommodate the region’s future housing needs and help the region to comply with new State-mandated legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The project manager for the Valley Vision Stanislaus is Isael Ojeda, Senior Planner, who may be reached at (209) 525-4632 or at